Monday, May 6, 2013

Back in the train room again!!!!

Over the weekend, I made the time to get back to work in the train room. This time, it was work on the room itself making it more comfortable to be in. Like most modelers need to do, I spent several hours CLEANING out the room. I've got tons of boxes of stuff I know I'll never use so it's got to go. After a little cleaning, I hung the rest of the underlayout curtains and started installing carpet squares. The better half has been on me to get the room usable by the rest of the family so that was my weekend project. Here's a before and after pic of the carpet work.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

GP10s on the way!!!!

It's been WAY to long since I've posted an update. Things here have been busy so I've had little time to work on the layout. Hope to change that soon.

In the mean time, I wanted to share some of my new excitement in the hobby. After decades of wishing, HO scale GP10s are on the way from a factory!!! Intermountain Railway Co has announced the release and are now taking pre-orders for their GP10. They're releasing them in eight different roadnames but I'm only going to focus on the three I've preordered: Illinois Central, Illinois Central Gulf and MidSouth.

I've been curious about the correctness of the upcoming models and have seen others ask the same question. So, I thought I'd post a photo here of Intermountain's drawings along with photos of the prototype for comparison. I'll let you be the judge.

Been a slow layout week...

I've had a slow week working on the layout as I got involved in a few DCC installs on some locomotives. One thing I've learned is DC...