Thursday, March 12, 2009

Bent problem with Brick Pier!!

I had tons of replies about the 6 post trestle bents and that issue is now solved. I've got a Black Bear Construction Co. 6 post trestle bent jig on the way. That should make fast work of building the 22 or so bents for the approach trestle. 

My next issue in getting the Tibbee Creek Bridge as close to the real thing is the brick bridge pier on the South end of the bridge. I've looked and looked but haven't found an HO scale model that even comes close to this. About the best thing I found was a two tier stone pier. So, I'm looking for any ideas or help on modeling the brick pier like in these photos. 


Philip H. said...

You could tart with a couple of those cheesy grey Atlas plastic piers to get the shape, then laminate some Holgate and Reynolds brock sheet to them - or one o fthe paper/card brick sheets our British cousins love so much.

justin m said...
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justin m said...

Hey why not make some brick decals. in the paint program on any computer make a proportionate brick, then cut and past, then cut and past the two and so on, once you have a decent row, layer them one on top of the other. once you have a full sheet, you can change the colors of individual bricks to give some variety, I made the same but with paper for a quick Christmas layout, I was really surprised how quick it went, and for variety I changed the mortar colors, slight changes made huge visual differences.

Been a slow layout week...

I've had a slow week working on the layout as I got involved in a few DCC installs on some locomotives. One thing I've learned is DC...